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Beverly Tyler

Unpaid Emeritus


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Date: 01/01/17 - 12/31/18
Amount: $122,664.00
Funding Agencies: Laboratory for Analytic Sciences

DO7 Learning at LAS

Date: 09/01/15 - 8/31/18
Amount: $233,640.00
Funding Agencies: National Science Foundation (NSF)

The specific intent of this research is to understand how researchers involved in interdisciplinary R&D projects achieve greater scientific impact and more rapid migration to clinical translation depending on: 1) their knowledge meshing abilities developed from prior experiences; and 2) the nature of the disciplines represented on the interdisciplinary projects they are participating in. Through an analysis of the 124 researchers in the eight Nanomedicine Development Centers (NDCs) funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the United States, this research will assess the effects of experiences scientists have doing interdisciplinary science on the change in the number, impact, and type of their publications. It will construct an approach to assess the implications of interdisciplinarity that can be applied across science and engineering sectors reliant on interdisciplinary interactions to expand their technological frontiers.

Date: 01/01/16 - 12/31/16
Amount: $73,775.00
Funding Agencies: Laboratory for Analytic Sciences

DO6 Behavior Modeling

Date: 03/24/15 - 12/31/15
Amount: $63,204.00
Funding Agencies: Laboratory for Analytic Sciences

LAS DO5 Task 5.6 Collaboration

Date: 06/01/14 - 5/15/15
Amount: $86,313.00
Funding Agencies: Laboratory for Analytic Sciences

Project entails observing interdisciplinary teams in action and assisting them in developing a productive project team culture (e.g., team identity, shared commitment, skills in conflict management) and effective project team knowledge fusion processes (e.g., communication and listening skills, skills in elaborating task relevant information, effective channels of information exchange outside the official meeting, and codification of the team??A???a?sA???a?zA?s learning collectively and individually).

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