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Mary Lou Addor

Program Coordinator

Jordan Hall Addition 4232


Date: 10/15/19 - 5/31/24
Amount: $206,782.00
Funding Agencies: US Fish & Wildlife Service

From its Appalachian Mountains to the Atlantic Ocean, North Carolina is rich in its wide-ranging landscape, its diverse population, and flourishing economy. With several grand metropolitan areas and cozy rural towns, the state offers the best of both urban living and small-town life. Currently, North Carolina is considered the 9th most populous state. If population predictions hold, the state will become the 7th most populous state by 2032. With population growth, comes increased urbanization and infrastructure development, a growing rural and urban interface, and encroachment on communities and areas that support and serve the state??????????????????s military installations. In an effort to establish a landscape scale approach to natural resources management that enriches compatible land use while minimizing multiple encroachment threats and alleviating on-installation constraints, North Carolina is looking to enhance its Eastern Sentinel Landscape to support flexibility for military readiness beyond 2060 while linking co-benefits of conservation and keeping working forests and farms, working.

Date: 02/01/23 - 2/16/24
Amount: $40,000.00
Funding Agencies: North Carolina Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services

This proposal for $40,000 is continued funding toward ongoing program development of the North Carolina Sentinel Landscape (ENCSL) Partnership and activities within the ENCSL Partnership. The effort of this request assemble existing work performed by NC State University under the project: Coordination of the Sentinel Partnership (North Carolina Military Affairs Commission 2018-19 NCSU Project (NCDA 19-036-4002).

Date: 01/01/19 - 12/31/23
Amount: $160,000.00
Funding Agencies: North Carolina Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services

The U.S. Departments of Agriculture, Defense, and the Interior formalized the NC Sentinel Landscape Partnership (here-after Partnership) to better serve where working and natural lands converge with national defense facilities. Decidedly, the Partnership can leverage collective resources and expertise to accomplish shared on-the-ground goals where priorities overlap. To accelerate progress meeting technical and process goals, and increase the capacity and legacy of the NC Sentinel Landscape Partnership (NC SLP), NC State University is requesting $40,000 to assist in continued coordination of major Partnership goals that will link military readiness, conservation, and working lands. The Partnership is expanding outreach, opportunities, and recognition to landowners in 33 counties, including the addition of a landowner advisory committee; is working to reduce land-use conflicts and natural resource issues around military installations through its High Priority Program; and accelerating the conservation and protection of natural resources and restoration of important habitat for wildlife.

Date: 09/16/22 - 11/30/23
Amount: $126,250.00
Funding Agencies: US Dept. of Defense (DOD)

NC State University is requesting $126,250 for a new contract with the US Endowment for Forestry and Communities. The US Endowment has requested a new contract with all of the nation's Sentinel Landscape Coordinators. The funds will allow the facilitation and coordination of key partnership initiatives designed to further the development and capacity of the North Carolina Sentinel Landscape Partnership (NCSLP), connecting across the North Carolina sentinel landscape area and based on a revised Strategic Plan 2022-2027. A work plan for Sept 16, 2022 to September 14, 2023 will include 8-10 specific activities.

Date: 08/31/18 - 9/30/22
Amount: $212,053.00
Funding Agencies: US Dept. of Defense (DOD)

The NCSLP is in its 13th year of operation, formally since 2016 and prior to 2016 as core group of the Partnership that began to amplify its vision, mission, and implement signature projects that the NCSLP has uniquely done. This proposal is requesting financial support to bolster the NCSLP??????????????????s continued efforts that are focused on the ENCSL. The NCSLP is working to protect the military mission in North Carolina, its forested and agriculture working lands, and its natural and water resources by minimizing the impact of encroachment and incompatible land uses that effect both the military and surrounding communities. By fully implementing the Sentinel Landscape program in North Carolina the NCSLP will achieve multiple benefits that allow North Carolina to be more effective.

Date: 09/30/12 - 9/29/17
Amount: $2,685,999.00
Funding Agencies: US Army Corps of Engineers

The purpose of this initiative is to provide for the programmatic institutionalization and enhancement of compatible natural resource use in support of military readiness and at the same time enhance the maintenance and improvement of natural resources, including agriculture and forestry lands (i.e., working lands), through the operation of a voluntary, market-driven initiative called the Partnership for Sentinel Landscapes. The Partnership for Sentinel Landscapes is a coalition of groups representing conservation, natural resource, and economic interests to address preservation on a landscape scale in association with the military. The coalition will work in the public interest to advance national defense, conservation and working lands in North Carolina simultaneously to ensure that development or use of land, water, and/or air resources remains compatible with military missions. The current implementation strategy includes assistance for individual landowners active in specific aspects of the program. Private landowners will be recognized for the unique value of their land and land management practices, essentially "green readiness." These lands will stand as true "Sentinel" landscapes - protecting military readiness due to their location - and thereby supporting national defense.

Date: 03/01/11 - 4/30/14
Amount: $102,515.00
Funding Agencies: NC Dept. of Natural & Cultural Resources formerly NC Dept of Env. & Natural Resources (DENR)

Session Law 2010-143, House Bill 1743 mandates that the N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources (the Department) develop a basinwide hydrologic model for each of the 17 major river basins in the State, as recommended by the N.C. Environmental Review Commission, and as described in Session Law 2010-143, HB 1743. The Department is instructed to develop the 17 hydrologic models based on a set of criteria outlined in section 2, G.S. 143-35, which includes the development of a Science Advisory Board. The Science Advisory Board will assist the Department in characterizing the natural ecology and identifying the flow requirements. The Science Advisory Board shall include representatives from the Divisions of Water Resources and Water Quality of the Department, the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission, the N.C. Marine Fisheries Commission, and the N.C. Natural Heritage Program. Additionally, other agencies and organizations will be included such as: the United States Fish and Wildlife Service; the National Marine Fisheries Service; representatives of organizations representing agriculture, forestry, manufacturing, electric public utilities, and local governments, with expertise in aquatic ecology and habitat; and other individuals or organizations with expertise in aquatic ecology and habitat. The Natural Resources Leadership Institute (NRLI) and Watershed Education for Communities and Officials (WECO) will help the NC Division of Water Resources to facilitate the meetings of the Ecological Flows Science Advisory Board.

Date: 09/27/12 - 12/13/13
Amount: $15,329.00
Funding Agencies: Raleigh, NC

In May 2012, the City Council of Raleigh, approved the Comprehensive Public Participation Program for Park Planning. Recommendations from the report titled, Involving the Public in Park Planning, An Evaluation of the City of Raleigh?s Park Master Planning Processes (Smutko and Addor) led to the development of the new program. The City of Raleigh Parks and Recreation Department has requested a supplemental proposal to review and evaluate the program as it is applied with a current park planning project, and coach staff in the use of the new program.

Date: 11/01/09 - 11/30/13
Amount: $478,000.00
Funding Agencies: US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

In accordance with the solicitation from the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) National Center for Environmental Innovation for a "Partnership to Promote Sharing of Environmental Innovations," we propose to design and deliver two symposia to promote learning, knowledge transfer, and improved environmental performance through pollution prevention and innovation. These symposia will strengthen strategic partnerships for promoting innovation among EPA, States, tribes and other organizations. A steering committee including experts in environmental policy evaluation and technology innovation will identify and analyze current environmental innovations, and establish thematic panels to facilitate cross-fertilization of ideas and activities. The steering committee will identify and invite presenters and assign a program subcommittee to develop the concurrent sessions, plenaries, and breakout working groups as part of the symposia programmatic activities. The symposia will highlight best practices that result in innovation success while transferring knowledge that facilitates the adoption of environmental improvements by States, tribes, and other organizations. The symposia will be delivered under the direction of North Carolina State University's (NCSU) Forestry and Environmental Outreach Program, which has two decades of experience in organization and delivery of large-scale national and international conferences that allow for successful information exchange and education. Existing and emerging web technologies will be evaluated and used where appropriate in planning and delivering the symposia, as well as the post-symposia outputs.

Date: 12/23/10 - 8/14/12
Amount: $23,548.00
Funding Agencies: Raleigh, NC

In the January 2009 report titled, Involving the Public in Park Planning, An Evaluation of the City of Raleigh?s Park Master Planning Processes, we made the following recommendation: The Parks and Recreation Department should augment its current documentation of master planning process (Resolution (2003)-735) with a comprehensive public involvement policy (see for example: The policy should define the roles and responsibilities of staff positions implementing all the Department?s public participation processes, expand and then define the purposes and circumstances for which public involvement will be used, and outline and define the procedures to be followed. The policy document should also contain a glossary of terms used in park master planning and public involvement generally, and provide consistency of language from process to process. In addition, sufficient flexibility in procedure should be incorporated into the policy so that various and appropriate forums for engagement can be applied to fit the circumstances.

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